KAMRA® Inlay Featured In The Wall St. Journal

Read about the revolutionary procedure available at Katzen Eye Group, KAMRA Inlay in the Wall St. Journal. Here’s a summary of the article: Are you having trouble reading books or using your computer? This is a common problem called presbyopia, which is the difficulty of focusing on near objects. The most common solution: wearing glasses… Read More
Is Eye Surgery Safe?

Your eyes and your vision are invaluable. Eye surgery is safe. Every aspect of it: diagnostic testing, laser manipulation, cornea access techniques, and lens access techniques. In fact, eye surgery is often safer than typical contact lens use. Every year, 15% of contact lens wearers experience some kind of eye infection. By contrast, only 0.01%… Read More
Presbyopia: What Is It and How Do You Treat It?

Presbyopia is an uncomfortable part of aging. It may even be more frustrating than other age-related changes. Many things like energy levels and flexibility can be maintained with a change in your lifestyle by eating better and getting more exercise. But presbyopia, also known as vision over 40, is unavoidable even if you’ve never had… Read More
A Note to Patients with an Astigmatism

“Can I still experience the life-changing benefits of corrective eye surgery if I have an astigmatism?” YES! The simple truth is that having an astigmatism does not disqualify you as a candidate for any of our vision correction procedures (LASIK, KAMRA® Inlay, PRK, Premium Lens Replacement, and Cataract surgery.) During your consultation, we look at… Read More
Laurie DeYoung (WPOC) Interviews Dr. Anthony Kameen about KAMRA Inlay to Correct Reading Vision Loss
Achieve a better vision and live life without reading glasses! The KAMRA inlay was approved for use in the U.S. by the FDA in 2015. Filmed that same year, WPOC’s Laurie DeYoung had a discussion with Dr. Anthony Kameen and learned the purpose and benefit of the KAMRA Inlay procedure. Over the age of 40, nearly all people… Read More
How KAMRA Inlays Keep You Feeling and Looking Young

If you’re over fifty, you are entering the golden years of your life. Even though our popular culture is obsessed with images of youth, it is middle-aged individuals and seniors who are at the most exciting time of life. Not only do you have the benefit of years of experience in matters of life, love,… Read More
What is KAMRA® Inlay? Laser Vision Correction in Maryland

KAMRA inlay is a procedure that restores the natural range of vision that many people lose in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. The thin inlay itself, though tiny and comfortable, is a very effective device. The KAMRA inlay procedure is like other laser vision correction procedures. It works as a combination of a laser technology to create a small… Read More
Introducing the KAMRA® Inlay – For a life without reading glasses
You don’t need to wear reading glasses any more! After years of success around the world, in 2015 the FDA approved the KAMRA Inlay procedure in the United States – a procedure that will reduce or eliminate dependence on reading glasses. Why Near Vision? Nearly all adults over the age of 40 experience great frustration with near… Read More
What is KAMRA® Inlay and am I a Good Candidate?

Between the ages of 40 and 60, many people begin to have trouble with their eyes and become increasingly frustrated with near reading vision. Vision is an incredible important part of your life. Any noticeable changes are cause to seek professional help. When reading without glasses becomes a problem, there is a solution: KAMRA® inlay. If you have… Read More
National Eye Institute’s Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes
Performing corrective laser vision eye surgery to give patients a life without glasses is only possible when they first have healthy eyes to begin with. It’s easy for a practice like ours to say this, but eye health is essential to overall wellness. Even if you wear glasses or contacts and don’t want procedures like LASIK, KAMRA inlay, or… Read More