Company News
The Quality of Caring | A Brief History of Katzen Eye Group

Katzen Eye Group began with Dr. Jack Katzen, an eye surgery pioneer who believed: “It’s not just about the quality of care. It’s about the quality of caring.” Dr. Brett Katzen is Jack’s son, and entered the family business in 1992. He has since led the incredible growth of Katzen Eye Group over the last… Read More
Healthy Vision Awareness Month

May is Healthy Vision Awareness Month, so we’re sharing a few tips to help you keep your eyes healthy and happy. While we all agree that eyesight has a huge impact on our daily lives and is probably the sense we would fear losing most, most people don’t pay much attention to their vision until… Read More
4 Common Myths About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition that occurs when increased pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve and causes progressive permanent vision loss. It is one of the leading causes of vision loss but unfortunately, it is widely misunderstood by most people. Many people don’t understand the seriousness of glaucoma or understand the importance of regular… Read More
Save Your Vision Month: 5 Ways to Preserve Your Vision for a Lifetime
March is “Save Your Vision” month, so we’re sharing the 5 most important things you can do to preserve your vision for a lifetime. 1. Don’t skip your annual eye exam. The importance of an annual (60 and over) or biannual (under age 60) eye examination cannot be overemphasized. The sophistication of this eye exam also must be… Read More
February: Low Vision Awareness Month
As the nation’s youngest Baby Boomers reach their 50’s (and the oldest Boomers have started on Medicare), Katzen Eye Group would like to acknowledge Low Vision Awareness Month to help raise awareness for such conditions as Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy. Each of these conditions alone can cause visual devastation to an individual…. Read More
Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, so we’re sharing about what glaucoma is, how it is detected and treated, and the importance of annual or semi-annual eye exams (depending on age) in determining whether or not you have glaucoma. Glaucoma can be described as a plumbing problem within the eye. There is fluid produced inside the… Read More
A Mutual Admiration of Legacy
Dr. Brett Katzen & Dr. Anthony Kameen share a mutual legacy. Early in their careers, they both received professional inspiration from Dr. Jack Katzen, an eye surgery pioneer, and founder of Katzen Eye Group. See the history. Feel the quality of patient care. Be a part of the legacy.
Laurie DeYoung (WPOC) Interviews Dr. Anthony Kameen about KAMRA Inlay to Correct Reading Vision Loss
Achieve a better vision and live life without reading glasses! The KAMRA inlay was approved for use in the U.S. by the FDA in 2015. Filmed that same year, WPOC’s Laurie DeYoung had a discussion with Dr. Anthony Kameen and learned the purpose and benefit of the KAMRA Inlay procedure. Over the age of 40, nearly all people… Read More
The best part of our job is you. Here’s why.

Dear patients, The best part about our job – the single best part – is that we get to see our patients’ gratitude. We get to see people at their best…at the moment that they are deeply thankful for something they experience: restored vision. Restored vision is an amazing thing. It’s good to be thankful for it. People… Read More
A Golfer’s Life Without Glasses
It’s early in the morning, and Don and his father are the first people (once again) to arrive at the golf course. The air is quiet, and the two tee up for their morning game. “Those are my favorite memories playing golf, any time I played with my father. He was an all-around athlete –… Read More