4 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery has undergone revolutionary growth and change in the past fifteen years. As baby boomers move into their 60s and 70s, we are seeing an increase in the number of cataract procedures performed. In addition, since this age group is so much more active than their parents were at this age, they are requiring more… Read More
What is Laser Eye Surgery?
Since the 1950s, ophthalmologists have been perfecting the process of radial-keratotomy. The introduction of lasers in medical or operational procedures (1983) opened doors to the capability of corrective eye surgery moving forward. Since then, this specific vision corrective procedure has seen a tremendous upward hike, in terms of popularity and acclaim. Today, Katzen Eye Group… Read More
February: Low Vision Awareness Month
As the nation’s youngest Baby Boomers reach their 50’s (and the oldest Boomers have started on Medicare), Katzen Eye Group would like to acknowledge Low Vision Awareness Month to help raise awareness for such conditions as Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy. Each of these conditions alone can cause visual devastation to an individual…. Read More
What is Laser Cataract Surgery?
The restorative ability of cataract surgery has come a long way over the past 10 years. The continued evolution of the femtosecond laser to perform the majority of the cataract procedure (rather than the older manual method) allows the surgeon and patient to aim for even greater accuracy when calculating postoperative uncorrected vision. This spectacle independence is… Read More
4 Possible Symptoms Of Cataracts
The professional opinion is that you should see your doctor at least once every two years, but many Americans barely make it to their doctors every five. In fact, there’s a distressing number of people who simply don’t pay their eye doctor a visit at all. As a result, they are at a significant disadvantage… Read More
Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, so we’re sharing about what glaucoma is, how it is detected and treated, and the importance of annual or semi-annual eye exams (depending on age) in determining whether or not you have glaucoma. Glaucoma can be described as a plumbing problem within the eye. There is fluid produced inside the… Read More
A Mutual Admiration of Legacy
Dr. Brett Katzen & Dr. Anthony Kameen share a mutual legacy. Early in their careers, they both received professional inspiration from Dr. Jack Katzen, an eye surgery pioneer, and founder of Katzen Eye Group. See the history. Feel the quality of patient care. Be a part of the legacy.
Top 3 Reasons to Consider Modern LASIK Surgery
Are you sick and tired of your eyeglasses and contacts? Do your glasses steam up when you are jogging? Do you get tension headaches because of reading? LASIK eye surgery is the perfect permanent solution to your eye problems. Imagine enjoying your favorite activities like swimming, scuba diving, and sailing without hassling with your eyeglasses or contacts. LASIK is simple… Read More
A Note to Patients with an Astigmatism
“Can I still experience the life-changing benefits of corrective eye surgery if I have an astigmatism?” YES! The simple truth is that having an astigmatism does not disqualify you as a candidate for any of our vision correction procedures (LASIK, KAMRA® Inlay, PRK, Premium Lens Replacement, and Cataract surgery.) During your consultation, we look at… Read More
What To Do If A Loved One Refuses To Get Cataract Surgery
For many of us, the only thing scarier than personal health problems is the health problems of our loved ones. It can be especially scary if that loved one is reluctant to get the care they need, in the form of medication or surgery. Almost half of all Americans will have cataracts by the time… Read More